Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jgn menafikan benda yg betul...

Salam...selamat my lovely blog...huhu dh lme sgt xup date blog pjg2..haha aini nk bercerita berkenaan CONFLICT OF INTEREST....hihihi Kawan.....aku pkir ko sejujur aty aku dlm knp itu yg terjdi ? Kawan...aku pikir ko seindah knp itu yg ak nampk ? Kawan...ak pkir ko ikhlas ats segala perbuatan knp itu y ak rasa ? I dont put blame on you...myb my mistake too.... Fyi, from bottom of my heart...i upset because of ur act to me.... IM DONE!!!!...... =.=|||

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day by Day

Finally I realize that I am nothing without you, I was so wrong, forgive me...
My heart, crashing like the waves, My heart, shaking like the wind
My love fades like smoke, Unable to erase like a tattoo
Sighing at the floor, Dust gathering at my heart
I was the one that thought I couldn’t pass one day without you
But it’s not like I thought, I’m living well by myself
Even I call your name, you have no response, Even when I put my hopes up, it’s useless now
Who is the person next to you , wondering if she put tears in your eyes, Wondering if you see me, have you already forgotten all about me....
So worried, can’t start a conversation, Staying up long nights and erasing our memories
Don’t turn back, Don’t look for me and live your life
Because I loved you, Just take the memories without regrets
I’m able to handle it, It’s something that I can live with ,You have to be happier than me
Day by day for me is breaking away, Oh boy I cry, cry
You’re my all, say goodbye...
If we were meet each other on the streets, don’t act like you know me and go where you were headed
If I were to remember all the memories we held, I might to you without knowing …you have to be always happy with that girl, so I don’t change my mind about you….
So I don’t hold anything of you, show me how well u can live…always white like the clouds and together the blue sky…like that, you have to smile like nothing ever happened… Don’t turn back, don’t look for me and live your life because I loved you… hope it’s better after you left me…live and forget you ever knew me, those tears will soon dry away as day by day it passes
If we never meet, it would hurt less…Forever
Forget the promise that we made to stay by each other baby…I pray for you, don’t turn back because I loved you…I’m able to handle it…0h boy, I cry, cry…you’re my all…
say goodbye, my love don’t lie…you’re my heart… !!  

Monday, April 9, 2012

Persahabatan ini sgt bernilai buat KAMI...

SELAMAT HARI JADI BUAT LINDA.................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha....hari ni kami celeb besday namaku linda...segala persediaan tlh dirancang dgn rapi....dan inilah hasilnya... (sanggup ku kua umh mlm sorg2 krn mu wahai kawan).... ;)

persahabtan yg xmampu diungkap dgn kata2..cewahhh...bermadah plak aku pagi2 buta..masg2 xsedar ke diri sok kelas kul 8..hahaha

Sunday, April 8, 2012

the fray-heartless

my lovely blog!

amacam blog! okeyx ??for the 1st step...ak edit2 cikai2 blh la...skrg aku masih lgi merangkap buat bnda2 temeh yg bg ak arghhhh!!!! ak disbbkn mint terpksa la kn..hahaha keje giler tu namanya...

ngah2 duk layan blog aku...nk edit2 skit, pastu nk masukkn lagu la kononya...mula2 xtao nk msk lagu per...tentang rasa okey tbe2 Yong Shady ckp ' ko kata ko heartless kan?..aku ad 1lagu utk ko'....

nk panjangkan cte terambiklah lagu ni...THE FLAY-HEARTLESS...(utube)

even laki yg nyanyi tp lao versi pmpn pn juz ejas skit jer kot...
lagu ni mmg all bout my feeling rite noe....huhuhu agak terkena gk la...hahaha
tapi ape aku heran kan btl x??...

xmao ckp soal hati lagi masa ni cz aty aku msh lagi dlam proses rawatan....
alamak dh lambt dh ni..lame sgt ak lpk kt mcd ni....hope aku xlupe janji temu aku mlm niey...hehehe
nak beli kek lagi ni...ish!!.....LINDA......waiting for this nite okey....we have somethg special for u....tadaaaaaa.......jeng3!!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

unfriend @ proceed friend ?? hurmmmm

salam.....sori la blog tercinta wt mse ni blog ngah tunggang langgang lagi cz blog in progress renovation ckit hahaha...

nk makin canggih n mantop blog an..mkn mase la g pn bkn ad masa ngat skrg ngah test nye lagi....huhuhu ni pn ngah lepak ngn Yong Shady kt mcd dungun knon2 nk stdy tp xbkk bku lagi ni...
okey..out of topic niey....

persoalan ak skrg nk unfriend or proceed ngn A kt fesbuk....yela...mkin ak stalk makin ak geram la...btl la mber ak ckp fesbuk ni semuanye tu sume 50-50 sbnrnye....

ak share prob ak ngn Yong...ak ty dye ptt ak unfriend dye....yong ckp xpyh...hurmmm....ikt kan aty yg ngah germ nk je ak unfriend...sng ak xtao sal dye lgsg..g pn dy pn dh mmg totally buang ak dh pn....cmne erk....mkn mase ni...nnti ak ngah pkir consideration pe yg baik n pe yg buruk if ak unfriend dye....

harap2 sgt kali ni ak xmenyesal ngn kpstn @ tindakan yg ak mxs aku pn dh xde seri dh...slalunye nye pn ak tgl or wakaf kt bdk2 umh utk main game ak xkisah..skrg pn lpk mcd ak xbwk pn no mxs ak....

ikutkan hati aku ni...ak nk tukr no, ak nk block dye dlm social network.....& aku xnk amik tao pn psl soal hati ni ssh...g mne2 pn ak igt dye lorh....bodohnye ko a.k.a AKU!.....

"muda lagi...xpayah pkir pasal jodh, kbai".....hahaha.....terasa sgt lucu la ayt ni sbnrnye....
tapi pe blh buat no komen jela walaupun ak byk bnda nk ckp....xpela...mgkin dye pkir msh byk bnda yg dye perlu cpi sblm smpy waktu matured dye...biakan dye "asalkan dia bahagia".....(word by Yong Shady)....

chawww...nanti update lagi....mgkin update yg seterusnya ak dh ready utk segala2nya......babai ;)